Using the Quick Shop Feature on eComm Performance

Using the Quick Shop Feature on eComm Performance

Supported Versions: The details shared in this article apply to the updated version of eComm Performance. 


Using the Quick Shop Feature

The 'Quick Shop' feature gives customers the ability to quickly add a product to their cart without ever having to leave the Collection page!

Featured in the eComm Performance theme are two quick shop styles: popup and inline. If you enable the 'popup' style, a button will appear when the customer hovers over the product images. From there, they can click to open the product. If the 'inline' quick shop style is enabled, information about the product, including quantity, add to cart, and dynamic checkout button will appear below the image.

The 'popup quick shop style is not active on mobile devices. The 'inline' quick shop style can display on mobile devices.

To enable the 'Quick Shop' button, go into Customize (your Theme Editor) > Theme Settings > Quick Shop > Enable Quick Shop.


Quick Shop Settings

    Popup Quick Shop
  • If you want to select the popup quick shop style, after you've enabled the quick shop, choose the 'popup' option in the 'style' setting:

  • Inline Quick Shop

    If you'd like to select the inline quick shop style, after you've enabled the quick shop, choose the 'inline' option, located in the 'style' setting:

  • Show Dynamic Checkout Button.

    After setting up the Quick Shop, you can enable Shopify's 'dynamic checkout button' to show in your Popup Quick Shop. This can be done by selecting the 'Show dynamic checkout button' setting.

    When you have the 'Popup Quick Shop' feature enabled, you can determine what product information you'd like to display.


    Show Vendor

    You have the ability to 'show vendor,' which will display the name of the vendor and brand if you have added one through the product admin page. If you enable this setting, the vendor and brand name will appear above the product title.


    Show Price Savings

    If you have a product on sale, you have the option to enable the 'show price savings,' which will display how much your customer is saving - both percentage and price amount. When you have this setting enabled, the savings will be shown below the product price.


    Magnify Product Images on Hover

    If you'd like to give your customers the option to zoom in closer to the product images, you can enable the 'magnify product images on hover' feature, which will zoom in on the image when a customer hovers over it.


    Show Full Product Description

    The product description in the 'quick shop' will be truncated by default. However, if you want the full description to be shown, you can enable that feature by selecting the 'show full product description' setting.


    Quick Shop Description Truncated Words

    If you decide not to show the full description for a product, you can adjust how many words you want to display with the 'quick shop description truncated words' setting. You can choose from 1 to 50 on the slider.


    Description Position

    The 'description position' feature lets you arrange your description's placement to be either above or below the add to cart button.


    When you have the 'show arrows on product gallery' setting enabled, it will display subtle previous/next arrows on the product gallery when a customer hovers over the image.


    When you have product gallery images, you can select your 'gallery transition' to either slide or fade.


    You have the option to display your product image gallery on the left side or the right side of the quick shop. This can be done when choosing the 'gallery position.'


    You have the option to display all of your product images in the 'quick shop.' This can be done when you select the 'show product gallery thumbnails' setting, which will display the images as thumbnails.


    Thumbnail Position

    If you have the thumbnails enabled, you can choose where you would like to position them. You have the option to choose from left, right, bottom (grid), or bottom (slider). If you choose either the left or right positions, both will display vertically. If you choose the bottom position, it will display horizontally. For the bottom (slider) option, the slider will only kick in when you have 7 or more thumbnail images.



Here's how we set up our 'Popup Quick Shop' in our demo shop for eComm Performance!

  • Quick Shop Settings

    Show price savings - enabled.

    Show full product description

    Description position - above product form

    Show arrows on product gallery - enabled

    Gallery transition - slide

    Gallery position - left.

    Show product gallery thumbnails - enabled.

    Thumbnail position - bottom (grid)


Mobile layout

The 'Popup Quick Shop' does not display on a mobile device or tablet. Since you cannot hover over images on those devices, once you click on a product image on any Collection page, you will be automatically redirected to that product page. 

However, the 'Inline Quick Shop' does display on a mobile device:

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